Personal and Commercial Licenses

Usage Scope:

Personal Use: Intended for individual hobbyists or enthusiasts for non-commercial projects.

Commercial Use: Targeted at companies, recreational or educational public institutions, professionals, or individuals intending to use the resources for commercial purposes, such as publications, merchandise, or client work.

Licensing Terms:

Personal Use: Limits usage to non-commercial activities but exclusively for personal use.

Commercial Use: Includes commercial rights, allowing broader usage in commercial projects without restrictions on profit generation or distribution. Suitability for Commercial


Personal Use: Ideal for personal artwork, fan projects, or practicing manga drawing skills.

Commercial Use: Designed for commercial initiatives such as manga publishing, creating merchandise for recreational or educational public institutions, or providing illustrations for clients.

Please note that if you use the resources in a manner contrary to the intended usage scope and licensing terms, you may be subject to legal action and penalties. It is essential to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined for each version of the product to avoid any potential legal consequences.